Longboarding is one of the most fun and enjoyable things you can do on a sunny day. But sometimes, even when it seems like everything is going right, your longboard will start to speed wobble. This article will provide you with 7 tips that will help you totally stop Longboard Speed Wobbles!
Lets get started with the question!
##What is speed wobble?
Speed wobble is when the front wheel of your longboard starts to shake or move side to side uncontrollably. This usually happens while you are going fast and can cause a rider's balance to be thrown off causing them fall over, slow down quickly, or even stop!
Speed wobble is a common problem for longboarders. Speed Wobbles are when you start to feel like your board starts shaking from side-to-side while riding it at high speeds, almost as if the ground below was slinging back and forth beneath you!
When this happens, it can be hard to stay on your board or even stop without falling off.
This article will give information about how speed wobbles happen and what causes them so that we can better understand how to stop Longboard Speed Wobbles.
##What causes Longboard Speed Wobbles?
There are three main ways that Longboard Speed Wobbles might start: from imbalance at the front/back wheels, from an uneven surface or because of too much traction.
The first way of understanding why our boards shake may have something to do with balance. Some people find themselves naturally shifting weight in such a way that they put all their pressure on one foot (either front or back) while coasting, which causes the board to tilt in one direction. This then makes it more difficult for them to balance themselves out and stay on their feet because they are constantly throwing all of their weight off-center.
The second way that speed wobbles might happen is due to an imbalance between your front and rear trucks/wheels. If there's a lot of friction or tension happening at the back wheel, but not enough going towards the front wheels' brakes, this will cause instability as you go faster. There may also be too much traction from either the left or right foot (based on how you're steering), causing some portion of your rider weight to shift over time until everything starts getting unstable again
Thirdly , speed wobbles can happen if you're on uneven pavement. This is sometimes the case when people are riding in a park where there's grass and dirt mixed with concrete.
No matter whatever the reason is, you should be aware that speed wobbles are a common problem for longboarders.
Now here goes our 7 tips To Totally Stop Longboard Speed Wobbles!
Tip #01: Stay low in the center of your board:
Stay low in the center of your board, this lowers your center of gravity and helps keep you stable.
when you're riding staying in the center, you're closer to the ground and your weight is more evenly distributed. this makes you less likely to take off too quickly, or catch air on a turn which can lead to speed wobbles. moreover , when you're on the lower end of your board, it's easier to lean which helps with turning.
Tip #02: Keep your weight centered
Keep your weight centered over the trucks at all times, this also keeps you stable by balancing out your weight distribution.
when you ride with your weight centered between the two trucks, it keeps your center of gravity low and balanced.
this will make it much easier to stay stable when turning or stopping quickly. Additionally, if you have too much weight on one side of your board, that can cause wobbles because the truck is pushed off balance by all the extra pressure from one direction.
Tip ##03: Push off harder when starting
Push off harder when starting from a stop or slowing down to avoid catching air which can lead to speed wobbles.
the harder you push off, the more your weight will get distributed over both trucks rather than just one.
this is especially important when riding with a longer deck and larger wheels because of their increased sensitivity to speed wobbles.
Tip #04: Practice carving back and forth
Practice carving back and forth on flat pavement. This will give you more control over how much grip is needed for each turn as well as smooths out the ride since it's not going up hills or anything like that; carve back and forth until you're comfortable with controlling stability without speed wobbles.
Tip #05: Use a more flexible deck
If your board is too stiff, use a different one. Longboards are best for carving and stability so if you're looking for speed wobbles to be lessened, try using something with some flexion in it; that way the center of gravity will stay low any time you make
Tip #05: Use a more flexible deck if it's too stiff. This is important because the stiffness of your board affects how much speed you can carry before catching air, and thus the chance for speed wobbles increases when going over bumps or dips in pavement that would otherwise keep you stable with less speed.
Tip #06: Tighten up loose bolts at least once every two weeks to avoid loosening due to vibrations from riding; this will also help prevent any screws from coming out which could lead to dangerous situations like having one foot on each side of your longboard and not being able to stop without falling off!
Tip#07: Ride at your own pace. Speed wobbles are more likely to happen when you're going too fast for the conditions, so take it easy and don't push yourself beyond what feels comfortable.
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